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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - skin


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(skins, skinning, skinned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Your skin is the natural covering of your body. His skin is clear and smooth... There are three major types of skin cancer... The only difference between us is the colour of our skins. N-VAR 2. An animal skin is skin which has been removed from a dead animal. Skins are used to make things such as coats and rugs. That was real crocodile skin. N-VAR: usu supp N 3. The skin of a fruit or vegetable is its outer layer or covering. The outer skin of the orange is called the ‘zest’. ...banana skins. N-VAR 4. If a skin forms on the surface of a liquid, a thin, fairly solid layer forms on it. Stir the custard occasionally to prevent a skin forming. N-SING 5. If you skin a dead animal, you remove its skin. ...with the expertise of a chef skinning a rabbit. VERB: V n 6. see also -skinned, banana skin 7. If you do something by the skin of your teeth, you just manage to do it. He won, but only by the skin of his teeth. PHRASE: PHR with cl 8. If you say that someone has a thick skin, you mean that they are able to listen to criticism about themselves without becoming offended. You need a thick skin to be a headmaster. PHRASE: N inflects, usu v PHR 9. to make your skin crawl: see crawl
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   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse ~n; akin to Old English scinn ~, Middle High German schint fruit peel  Date: 13th century  1.  a.  (1) the integument of an animal (as a fur-bearing mammal or a bird) separated from the body usually with its hair or feathers  (2) a usually unmounted specimen of a vertebrate (as in a museum)  b. the hide or pelt of a game or domestic animal  c.  (1) the pelt of an animal prepared for use as a trimming or in a garment — compare hide IV  (2) a sheet of parchment or vellum made from a hide  (3) bottle 1b  2.  a. the external limiting tissue layer of an animal body; especially the 2-layered covering of a vertebrate body consisting of an outer epidermis and an inner dermis  b. an outer covering (as a rind or husk) of a fruit or seed  c. a membranous film or scum (as on boiling milk or drying paint)  3. the life or physical well-being of a person saved his own ~  4. a sheathing or casing forming the outside surface of a structure (as a ship or airplane)  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to strip, scrape, or rub off an outer covering (as the ~ or rind) of  b. to strip or peel off  c. to cut, chip, or damage the surface of fell and ~ned my knee  2.  a. to cover with or as if with ~  b. to heal over with ~  3.  a. to strip of money or property ; fleece  b. to defeat badly  c. censure, castigate  4. to urge on and direct the course of (as a draft animal)  intransitive verb  1. to become covered with or as if with ~  2.  a. shinny  b. to pass or get by with scant room to spare  III. adjective  Date: circa 1935 involving subjects who are nude expected to conduct ~ searches for weapons — Diane K. Shah; especially devoted to showing nudes ~ magazines ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the flexible continuous covering of a human or other animal body. 2 a the skin of a flayed animal with or without the hair etc. b a material prepared from skins esp. of smaller animals (opp. HIDE(2)). 3 a person's skin with reference to its colour or complexion (has a fair skin). 4 an outer layer or covering, esp. the coating of a plant, fruit, or sausage. 5 a film like skin on the surface of a liquid etc. 6 a container for liquid, made of an animal's whole skin. 7 a the planking or plating of a ship or boat, inside or outside the ribs. b the outer covering of any craft or vehicle, esp. an aircraft or spacecraft. 8 Brit. sl. a skinhead. 9 US Cards a game in which each player has one card which he bets will not be the first to be matched by a card dealt from the pack. 10 = gold-beater's skin. 11 a duplicating stencil. --v. (skinned, skinning) 1 tr. remove the skin from. 2 (often foll. by over) a tr. cover (a sore etc.) with or as with skin. b intr. (of a wound etc.) become covered with new skin. 3 tr. sl. fleece or swindle. Phrases and idioms be skin and bone be very thin. by (or with) the skin of one's teeth by a very narrow margin. change one's skin undergo an impossible change of character etc. get under a person's skin colloq. interest or annoy a person intensely. have a thick (or thin) skin be insensitive (or sensitive) to criticism etc. no skin off one's nose colloq. a matter of indifference or even benefit to one. skin-deep (of a wound, or of an emotion, an impression, beauty, etc.) superficial, not deep or lasting. skin-diver a person who swims underwater without a diving-suit, usu. in deep water with an aqualung and flippers. skin-diving such swimming. skin effect Electr. the tendency of a high-frequency alternating current to flow through the outer layer only of a conductor. skin-flick sl. an explicitly pornographic film. skin-food a cosmetic intended to improve the condition of the skin. skin friction friction at the surface of a solid and a fluid in relative motion. skin game US sl. a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) наружный [поверхностный] слой; оболочка; покрытие; плёнка 2) окалина 3) корка (слитка, заготовки) 4) плена (дефект проката) 5) обшивка (напр. фюзеляжа, автомобиля) 6) кожура, кожица удалять кожуру или кожицу (с плодов или овощей) 7) шкура, шкурка сдирать [снимать] шкуру (с животного); обесшкуривать (рыбу) 8) удалять изоляцию; зачищать провод to chop out the skin — вырубать обшивку (после аварийной посадки для выхода пассажиров) - skin of ocean - skin of rayon fiber - alligator skin - cement skin - cracks skin - crocodile skin - double skin - ingot skin - orange skin - outer skin - roll skin - rolling skin - sand skin - stressed skin ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  cement skin external skin ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) кожа 2) кожный 3) наружный слой 4) геогр. нилас 5) оболочка 6) обшивка самолета 7) пленка 8) пленочный 9) поверхностный 10) покрытие 11) скин- 12) эпидерма fabric aircraft skin — аэро полотно skin of a casting — корка отливки - bearing skin - pasted skin - pickled skin - rolling skin - skin friction - skin grafting - skin inclusions - skin on wing - wing skin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) кожа; снимать кожу 2) шкура; шкурка; снимать сдирать шкуру или шкурку 3) кожица, кожура 4) оболочка, плёнка; верхний слой – inner skin – nail skin – sexual skin – true skin – yolk skin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кожа clear skin —- чистая кожа fair skin —- светлая кожа true skin —- анат. собственно кожа, кориум skin incision —- мед. кожный разрез stripped to the skin —- раздетый донага wet to the skin —- промокший насквозь to wear smth. next to the skin —- носить что-либо на голое тело skin and bones —- кожа да кости (о человеке) 2. жизнь, "шкура" to save one's skin —- спасать свою шкуру to sleep with a whole skin, to keep a whole skin —- остаться целым и невредимым 3. I would not be in his skin не хотел бы я быть в его шкуре 4. кожа, шкура, мех животного lion's skin —- шкура льва lizard's skin —- кожа ящерицы the skin of a sheep —- овчина to cast the skin —- менять кожу, линять it took forty skins to make this coat —- на эту шубу пошло сорок шкурок 5. ист. пергамент (из телячей кожи) 6. мех (для вина), бурдюк 7. кожура, кожица the skin of an apple —- кожура яблока the skin of a tomato —- кожица помидора to peel the skin off a pine-apple —- чистить ананас potatoes boiled in their skins —- картофель в мундире 8. оболочка; пленка; верхний или наружный слой a skin on boiled milk —- пленка на кипяченом молоке a defensive skin —- защитная оболочка 9. корка (слитка) 10. плена (при прокате) 11. обшивка судна, самолета rocket skin —- обшивка ракеты 12. спец. тонкая свежая корка льда 13. мор. наружная часть свернутого паруса 14. разг. кляча 15. сл. человек he isn't a bad old skin —- он свой...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) кожа; шкура; outer skin anat. - эпидерма  2) кожура, кожица; baked potatoes in their skins - картофель в мундире  3) наружный слой, оболочка  4) мех (для вина)  5) sl. кляча  6) amer.; sl. скряга  7) sl. жулик  8) sl. доллар  9) metal. плена (при прокате); корка (слитка) in/with a whole skin - цел и невредим to escape with/by the skin of ones teeth - еле-еле спастись to get under the skin - досаждать, раздражать, действовать на нервы to change ones skin - неузнаваемо измениться to have a thick (thin) skin - быть нечувствительным (очень чувствительным) to jump out of ones skin - быть вне себя (от радости, удивления и т.п.) to keep a whole skin, to save ones skin - спасти свою шкуру mere/only skin and bone - кожа да кости  2. v.  1) покрывать(ся) кожей, пленкой, тонким слоем (обыкн. skin over); зарубцеваться (обыкн. skin over); The wound should skin over quite quickly now.  2) сдирать кожу, шкуру; снимать кожуру  3) ссадить, содрать кожу  4) sl. обобрать дочиста - skin through to skin a flint - скряжничать, быть скаредным to keep ones eyes skinned sl. - смотреть в оба SKIN through  а) протискиваться через (что-л.) The cave is very narrow ahead, but we should be able to skin through.  б) с трудом пройти (испытание и т.п.) Some of you passed well, but most of you only skinned through (the examination). ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »BODY« a) the natural outer layer of a human or animal body  (Babies have beautifully soft skin. | amphibians with their smooth, moist skins | a skin disease | fair/dark skin)  (Madhur was beautiful with her thick black hair and smooth dark skin.) b) the skin on your face  (Some soaps just seem to dry my skin up. | bad skin (=unhealthy-looking skin))  (- see also skincare) 2 dark-skinned/fair-skinned/smooth-skinned etc having dark skin, smooth skin etc  (If you are very fair-skinned you should avoid going in the sun too much.)  (- see also have a thick skin thick1 (11)) 3 »ANIMAL SKIN« the skin of an animal, used as leather, fur etc  (a tiger skin | a sheepskin jacket) 4 »FOOD« a) the natural outer cover of some fruits and vegetables  (banana skins | onion skin) b) the outer cover of a sausage c) a thin solid layer that forms on the top of a liquid when it gets cold or is left uncovered  (Cover the soup to stop a skin from forming.) 5 by the skin of your teeth informal if you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it  (We woke up late and caught the plane by the skin of our teeth.) 6 get under sb's skin informal if someone gets under your skin, they annoy you, especially by the way they behave  (What really gets under my skin is people who push straight to the front of the line.) 7 be skin and bone informal to be extremely thin in a way that is unattractive and unhealthy  (Tania was all skin and bone when she got back from her world tour.) 8 it's no skin off my nose spoken used to say that you do not care what someone else thinks or does because it does not affect you  (Well, I offered to help out, but if she doesn't want me to it's no skin off my nose!)  (- see also save sb's skin save1 (10), jump out of your skin jump1 (4)) ~2 v skinned, skinning 1 to remove the skin from an animal, fruit, or vegetable  (Add the tomatoes, skinned and sliced.) 2 to hurt yourself by rubbing off some skin  (She skinned her knee when she fell off her bike.) 3 skin sb alive humorous to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  adult abbr. Support Kinship In Neurotic ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.N. skinn "animal hide," from P.Gmc. *skintha-, from PIE *sken- "cut off," from base *sek- "cut." Replaced native hide. The verb is 1392, from the noun. Skinhead first attested 1969, British; earlier used in U.S. of a man with a crew cut (early 1950s). Skinny is c.1400; in the sense of "the truth" it is World War II military slang, perhaps from the notion of the "naked" truth. Skin-tight is from 1885; skin deep is from 1613; skinny-dip first recorded 1950s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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